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Eaton X-Slot Modbus Card

Eaton X-Slot MODBUS Card
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SKU: 103005425-5591
Shipping: Fedex Ground or Priority
Lead Time: In Stock


The Eaton Modbus Card is an X-slot UPS connectivity device that provides continuous, reliable and accurate remote monitoring of a UPS system through a Building Management System (BMS) or Industrial Automation System (IAS). Works with 5115RM, 5125, BladeUPS, 9315, 9355, 9390, 9390IT, and 9395.

The card provides the means to integrate data from the UPS into the user-provided management system using Modicon‚ Modbus RTU Protocol.  Key power quality and UPS status information may be monitored in real-time to aid in the management of the UPS and notification of potential power problems.

Features & Benefits

  • Includes Modbus Profiler utility, which creates a custom Modbus register map for each UPS
  • Connects to the network via RS-485 through either an isolated DB-9 port or terminal block
  • Supports both two-wire and four-wire communication and, with its built-in, user-selectable termination feature, the Modbus Card may be placed at the end of the network
  • Conforms to the Eaton X-slot standard to supports a variety of UPSs that feature a native X-slot