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> Spot Cooling > Kwikool BioAir Purifiers

Kwikool's BIOAIR is Kwikool's complete solution to air cleanliness. All of the models use the air cleaning power of HEPA, High Efficiency Particulate Air 99.97% filters, capturing particles greater
than .3 microns.
When used to create negative pressure, Bioair+removes contaminated air from the space while drawing in fresh air. Common standards require that a HEPA air filter
must remove 99.99% of particles greater than or equal to 0.3 μm diameter
. Bioair+™ has UVC lights inside every unit.


Kwikool KBP600 Bioair+

The Bioair+by KwiKool is available in 3 models, 600, 1000, and 1800 CFM. All of the models use the air cleaning power of HEPA, High Efficiency Particulate Air 99.97% filters, capturing particles greater than .3 microns. Bioair+will simultaneously clean and purify, while creating a negative pressure. When used to create negative pressure, Bioair+removes contaminated air from the
space while drawing in fresh air.


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Kwikool KBP1000 Bioair+

Bioair+by KwiKool is available in 3 models, 600, 1000, and 1800 CFM. All of the models use the air cleaning power of HEPA, High Efficiency Particulate Air 99.97% filters, capturing particles greater
than .3 microns. Bioair+
will simultaneously clean and purify, while creating a negative pressure. When used to create negative pressure, Bioair+removes contaminated air from the space while drawing in fresh air

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Kwikool KBX600 BioAir Max

BIOAIR Maxis Kwikool's complete solution to air cleanliness. With all of the features of the Bio Air Plus, the BIOAIR Max includes Kwikool's ANP (Advanced Needle Point) bi-polar
ionization. The ionization creates both negative and positive ions in the output airstream. These "charged" particlesattract other airborne particles normallq toosmall and too light to be
addressed. But with the attached ions, these particles are now large enough for the combined atoms to be caught in the HEPA filter.


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Kwikool KBP1800 Bioair+

Bioair+by KwiKool is available in 3 models, 600, 1000, and 1800 CFM. All of the models use the air cleaning power of HEPA, High Efficiency Particulate Air 99.97% filters, capturing particles greater
than .3 microns. Bioair+
will simultaneously clean and purify, while creating a negative pressure. When used to create negative pressure, Bioair+removes contaminated air from the space while drawing in fresh air.

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Kwikool KBX1000 BioAir Max

BIOAIR Maxis Kwikool's complete solution to air cleanliness. With all of the features of the Bio Air Plus, the BIOAIR Max includes Kwikool's ANP (Advanced Needle Point) bi-polar
ionization. The ionization creates both negative and positive ions in the output airstream. These "charged" particlesattract other airborne particles normallq toosmall and too light to be
addressed. But with the attached ions, these particles are now large enough for the combined atoms to be caught in the HEPA filter.

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Kwikool KBX1800 BioAir Max

BIOAIR Maxis Kwikool's complete solution to air cleanliness. With all of the features of the Bio Air Plus, the BIOAIR Max includes Kwikool's ANP (Advanced Needle Point) bi-polar
ionization. The ionization creates both negative and positive ions in the output airstream. These "charged" particlesattract other airborne particles normallq toosmall and too light to be
addressed. But with the attached ions, these particles are now large enough for the combined atoms to be caught in the HEPA filter.

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